Tzeni Argyriou & Vasilis Gerodimos
Watch HERE the video of setting up
The artwork «Αποθέματα: Inventory», by Tzeni Argyriou and Vassilis Gerodimos, is a multisensory experience that explores the evolution of the individual body into a collective one, as it takes action to address a claim in public space.It brings at the forefront a theme which is a characteristic element of the identity of Eleusis, a city that is synonymous with the working class, and the working person as an agent of growth and culture. Following a practice that is very distinctive in their work, Argyriou and Gerodimos, in «Αποθέματα: Inventory», start a journey through the industrial action in Eleusis, since the beginning of the 20th century up to this year, and end up in a twofold artwork: a performative procession and an installation.
Through on-site participatory archival research and workshops, in collaboration with residents and associations of Eleusis and the surrounding areas, the creators seek a living body of collective memory, while composing a repository made out of shipping containers, which is gradually activated through tangible and intangible records. Oral testimonies, photographs, documents and remembrances of past moments, that the citizens keep as part of their personal history, feed the configuration of both the procession, and the artistic installation.
The procession, which acts as a performance of the body in protest in the public space, brings ritually to the present, the history of labour movements in Eleusis. On November 11th the bodies of the residents are the raw material of the procession, while the digital audiovisual media bring faces, images and sounds from the past to the present, forming a site-specific participatory body.
The installation will be open from November 11th -18th, 17:00 – 22:00, “”
The work was created on the occasion of the celebration for the 2 years since the designation of Eleusis as the European Capital of Culture for 2021.

Photographer: Petros Chitiris

Watch HERE the teaser of the performance
Creators: Τzeni Argyriou & Vasilis Gerodimos
Performance and Costume Curator: Nancy Stamatopoulou
Processing of audiovisual material, oral history collection: Erato Tzavara
Audio interactive installation & sound design: LambrosPigounis
Musician: Manousos Klapakis
Production assistants: Danai Giannakopoulou & Olga Maroudi
Audiovisual applications: Makis Faros, Antonis Gatzougiannis & Michalis Antonopoulos
Artistic Advisor: Giorgos Skianis
Historical research and documentation: Olga Maroudi
Historical research consultants: Konstantinos Lykidis, Giannis Kalomenidis, Evangelia Nodara
Costume Design: Despoina Makarouni
Sound installation associate: Giannis Kranidiotis
Video Editing assistant: Maya Gkourtsogianni
Special constructions: Giannis Gerodimos, Stefanos Loukisas
Production coordination: amorphy
Video Documentation: LDS Productions
Main group of performers: Valavani Maria, Vertzagia Angeliki, Giouroukos Leonidas, Gkioka Ioanna, Gkogkou Eleni, Dedeilias Christos, Efstratiadis Thodoris, Zygouri Maria, Ioannidou Eleni, Kagianda Chrysavgi, Kakoseou Panagiota, Kalamidas Dimitris, Kalymnakis Giannis, Kambani Chrysanthi, Karagianni Filomila, Karelou Maria, Kasa Iliriana, Koliofoti Katerina, Koumbarda Vaso, Leontis Panagiotis, Marandou Georgia, Mavrou Evi, Melioti Isidora, Michailou Maria, Michailos Simos, Balaskas Thanasis, Bariota Ntina, Mylonakou Anastasia, Nodara Enagelia, Roka – Papadaki Mairy, Pagoni Ioanna, Pappas Dimitris, Parousev Theodosis, Pateraki Frideriki, Platon Despoina, Sarsiri Dimitra, Semitekoglos Matthaios, Stavropoulou Aspasia, Stefanidi Stella, Takaki Sofia, Totsika Evangelia, Tsallou Vaso, Tsimbris Sakis, Tsoukala Angeliki, Fouka Christina, Fotiou Giorgos, Chani Dimitra, Chartas Nikolaos
Young participants*: Chanas Nikolas, Chotza Mpernarnto (Mperi), Christos Papafragkos, Christoudi Danai, Christopoulou Maria, Chronopoulou Kyriaki, Dedeilia Alexandra, Dedeilia Maria, Elefsinioti Froso-Ariadni, Elefsiniotis Vasos-Paris, Elefsiniotis Ilias, Fetaou Ilias, Gkioli Katerina, , Katsamagkou Fenia, Klebis Salla, Kotsifis Dimitris, Koutrompila Basiliki, Laskou Asimina, Manolaka Antzela, Manolakas Basilis, Mizakou Marilena, Mpegeti Nikoleta, Mpelokrilob Daniil, Ntousi Rafaela, Roumelioti Maria, Roumeliotis Dimitris, Theochari Maria, Ventouri Klelia *Members of the Pan-eleusinian athletic club and Eleusis 2021 Youthlabs και Teenlabs
Oral Testimonies: Bouloutsos Giorgos, Chantziantoniou Nikolas, Giovannos Elias, Koropoulis Grigorios, Lazarou Petros, Lingos Vangelis, Manias Manolis, Melemeni Maria, Melemenis Tasos, Mertzani Asimina, Michailou Maria, Mouroutsos Giorgos, Nektaridis Symeon, Nimas Giorgos, Psomiadis Anestis, Rigana Margarita, Stylianidis Stelios, Tsakiroglou Evangelos, Vidalis Dimitris
Photographs – Archives – Documents: Union of Employees of Western Attica, Eleusis Labor Center, ERT Archive, General State Archives, Tsakos Archive, Kalomenidis Giannis, Kalymnakis Giannis, Lingos Athanasios, Lykidis Konstantinos, Melemenis Tasos, Mouroutsos Giorgos, Collection of Evangelia Nodara – Facebook page Η Γωνιά της παλιάς Ελευσίνας μας! (The corner of our old Eleusis!), Skianis Giorgos, Tsakiroglou Evangelos, Filippou Giannis
Parts of the audio archives of testimonies* of: Arnaoutaki Chrysoula, Georgas Spyros, Giganta Aikaterini, Gkioni Aikaterini, Gkionis Dimitris, Grammenos Raphael, Kalangonas Spyros, Kamonachos Thomas, Kotsou – Tataki Angela, Kasdaglakis Elias, Maliarakis Fanourios, Mingou Eleftheria, Michail Ploutarchos, Michalopoulos Giorgos, Monacholias Giorgos, Nikolaou Dimitrios, Rizopoulos Andreas, Rizopoulos Kostas, Skreti Anna, Spyropoulos Andreas, Spyropoulos Christos, Stamou Dimitrios, Tzoanos Zannis, Tzoanos Nikos, Trakas Athanasios, Vasilovits Paraskevi, Vogiantzi Evangelia, Zafeirakis Ioannis
*from the original interviews recorded for the book “Industrial Memories” (pub. Municipality of Eleusis, 2006) by Giannis Kalomenidis
Members of the following associations have participated in the workshops for the creation of the procession: Thriasio Pedio Volunteers Association, A & B Elderly Open Care Centers (KAPI) of Eleusis, Association of Asia Minor in Eleusis, Association of Epirotes of Thriasio Pedio, Association of Eleusis Symians “Archangel Michael”, PAKPPA (Culture, Sports, Social Policy, Early Childhood Education) Dance Department, PAKPPA Teenage Theater Group, Thessalian Union Thriasian Plain, “Agios Spyridon” Corfu Union